Liquor manufacturers must collect all proceeds on direct wholesale sales of liquor in BC on behalf of the LDB. Depending on the sales agreement with the LDB, liquor manufacturers may be required to remit some or all of these proceeds to the LDB. The method and amount of the proceeds that must be remitted to the LDB varies by liquor manufacturer type.


Breweries and Brewpubs (with annual production levels less than 350,000 HL)

The applicable markup, GST on mark-up, container deposit, container recycling fee (CRF), and GST on CRF are automatically deducted from the brewery designated Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Account in about 5 business days after a brewery reports its sales using the DSWR application.

For more information about the remittance changes for Breweries, which took effect in October 2016, click here.


Commercial Distilleries

The applicable mark-up, GST on mark-up, container deposits, container recycling fees(CRF) and GST on CRF, less the commission payment (if applicable) are automatically deducted from the distillery’s designated Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) account in about 5 business days after a distillery reports its sales using the DSWR application.

For more information about the remittance changes for Commercial Distilleries, which took effect in March 2018, click here


Commercial Wineries

The applicable mark-up, GST on mark-up, container deposits, container recycling fees (CRF) and GST on CRF, less the commission payment or VQA reimbursement (if applicable) are automatically deducted from the winery’s designated Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) account in about 5 business days after a winery reports its sales using the DSWR application.

For more information about the remittance changes for Commercial Wineries, which took effect in March 2018, click here.

Craft Distilleries and Land Based Wineries

Craft Distilleries and Land Based Wineries do not deposit sales proceeds to the LDB, they must collect all container deposits and container recycling fees and remit this amount to the LDB accounts receivable department. Once a month, the department invoices these manufacturers for these fees based on reported sales. Currently, these fees can be paid by cheque only.

If you need assistance

LDB Accounts Receivable - Invoicing Department

The accounts receivable invoicing department is responsible for invoice processing and collections for all manufacturers. This department also processes container deposits and container recycling handling fees for Land Based Wineries and Craft Distilleries as well as PAD transactions for Breweries, Brewpubs, Commercial Distilleries and Commercial Wineries.

For more information, please email [email protected]